How we train
the next generation of music-lovers.
Dream it.
Education is a core part of Crescendo’s mission and its programming. We have offered programs for young musicians – both for instrumentalists, and for singers. Our most recent program, the “Young Baroque Artists” in 2017 featured four extraordinarily talented teenage singers alongside four professional singers. The young singers received individual coaching for a complete academic year. Chorus rehearsals include detailed analysis of the works and their historical context. The Artistic Director gives talks in our communities about upcoming concerts and other musical subjects. The illustrated concert programs help place the music within the context of art and social history and include the complete text of vocal music in both English and original language.
Summer 2025 Choral Singing Sessions

June – July 2025 Trinity Church, Lakeville, CT, and Saint James Place, Great Barrington, MA
These summer sessions are an opportunity to sing with a small group, exploring the repertoire, understanding what is behind the music, how the composition is conceived, and what it means. In each session we will offer some tools of vocal technique, and also brief exercises to build or develop your practical musical skills. The workshop leader is Christine Gevert. Three levels are offered: easy, intermediate, or advanced. Sessions last for about an hour and a half, for 5 weeks. Dates: TBD (June to July 2025).
Session Themes: 1. Broadway Showtunes; 2. Irish and English Folk songs; 3. Latin American Music (Chile, Peru and Bolivia–Renaissance to Modern); 4. Baroque Opera Choruses (Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, Purcell’s King Arthur, Handel’s Theodora, and others); 5. Johann Sebastian Bach: Motets; 6. Claudio Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine SV 206
Apply by writing to with your session choices and singing level. Registration fee: $75 per set of five sessions
Support for these workshops has been provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature, and NBT Bank. We also thank WMNR Radio for their ongoing support.