Upcoming Performances

Holiday Baroque

Sat., December 28, 2024 at 4 pm
Trinity Church
Lakeville, CT 06039

Sun., December 29, 2024 at 4 pm
Saint James Place,
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Bach-Circle: Christmas Oratorio’s and Contemporary Female Voices

Sat., December 28, 2024 at 4 pm Trinity Church, Lakeville, CT
Sun., December 29, 2024 at 4 pm Saint James Place, Great Barrington, MA

Johann Sebastian Bach’s fifth cantata Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen (Let honor be sung to you, O God) of his Christmas Oratorio is at the center of this Baroque Holiday program.

The other composers in Bach’s circle include his mentor Dietrich Buxtehude, who wrote innovative and rhapsodic vocal music. His and Johann Schelle’s Advent cantatas lead into some of the most festive Baroque Christmas cantatas for chorus, soloists and orchestra by Christoph Graupner (his Magnificat), Jeremias du Grain, and Philip Erlebach. In contrast to this stand intimate unaccompanied choral works by the contemporary female composers Emily Drum, and MaryAnne Muglia (U.S.), and Christine Donkin (Canada).

Crescendo Chorus, Nicholas Tamagna, countertenor, Douglas Williams, bass, and Crescendo Period Instrument Orchestra, led by Christine Gevert

Support for these concerts has been provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature, and NBT Bank. We also thank WMNR Radio for their ongoing support.

Early Spring

Sat., March 1, 2025 at 4 pm
Trinity Church
Lakeville, CT 06039

Sun., March 2, 2025 at 4 pm
Saint James Place,
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Revolutionary Renaissance

Sat., March 1, 2025 at 4 pm   Trinity Church, Lakeville, CT
Sun., March 2, 2025 at 4 pm   Saint James Place, Great Barrington, MA

This program features motets by  the Portuguese composer Vicente Lusitano, one of the earliest known mixed-race composers of African descent, whose works were published in his lifetime. Lusitano’s style resembles Josquin des Prez’, and is highly complex and of extrordinary beauty.

We still know very little about female composers of those times, as it was stigmatised for women to perform in public, or be known as composers. We present sacred and secular vocal and instrumental works by Maddalena Casulana (Madrigali 1570), Raffaella Aleotti (Sacrae cantiones, Venice 1593), Claudia Sessa (Canti sacri), and Claudia Francesca Rusca (Sacri Concerti), an Italian nun composer, singer, and organist.

Crescendo Vocal Ensemble is joined by Rachel Begley, dulcian and recorder, and is led by Christine Gevert from the organ

Support for these concerts has been provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature, and NBT Bank. We also thank WMNR Radio for their ongoing support.

Spring Baroque

Sat., May 10, 2025 at 6 pm
Trinity Church

Lakeville, CT 06039

Sun., May 11, 2025 at 4 pm
Saint James Place
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Body & Soul: Cavalieri’s Rapressentatione di Anima e di Corpo

Sat., May 10, 2025 at 6 pm   Trinity Church, Lakeville, CT
Sun., May 11, 2025 at 4 pm   Saint James Place, Great Barrington, MA

Roman composer Emilio Cavalieri wrote and premiered his groundbreaking work Rappresentatione del alma e di corpo  with great success in 1600. The question remains, whether this work is considered an opera or an oratorio (sacred drama)!

The subject, an allegorical drama, is a lively debate over worldly vanities versus a spiritual life. It features six allegorical figures: Anima, the Soul (soprano), Corpo, the Body (baritone), Good Counsel (bass), Intellect (tenor), Time (bass), Pleasure (mezzo-soprano), and a chorus that comments on the action, accompanied by a chamber orchestra. Arias, recitativos, ensemble pieces and dance alternate to create a varied and dramatic and entertaining representation of the plot. This is something that we take for granted now, as we are so used to this format in opera, cantata, oratorio, and also the popular contemporary musicals.

Crescendo Chorus, Soloists and Period Instrument Orchestra, led by Christine Gevert

Support for these concerts has been provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature, and NBT Bank. We also thank WMNR Radio for their ongoing support.

Summer 2025 Choral Singing Sessions

June – July 2025  Trinity Church, Lakeville, CT, and Saint James Place, Great Barrington, MA

These summer sessions are an opportunity to sing with a small group, exploring the repertoire, understanding what is behind the music, how the composition is conceived, and what it means. In each session we will offer some tools of vocal technique, and also brief exercises to build or develop your practical musical skills. The workshop leader is Christine Gevert. Three levels are offered: easy, intermediate, or advanced. Sessions last for about an hour and a half, for 5 weeks. Dates: TBD (June to July 2025).

Session Themes: 1. Broadway Showtunes; 2. Irish and English Folk songs; 3. Latin American Music (Chile, Peru and Bolivia–Renaissance to Modern); 4. Baroque Opera Choruses (Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, Purcell’s King Arthur, Handel’s Theodora, and others); 5. Johann Sebastian Bach: Motets;  6. Claudio Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine SV 206

Apply by writing to crescendo@crescendomusic.org with your session choices and singing level. Registration fee: $75 per set of five sessions

Support for these workshops has been provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature, and NBT Bank. We also thank WMNR Radio for their ongoing support.

Crescendo At Home

Virtual Concerts On-Demand NOW

Latest recordings:

Recorded: March 2, 2024
Bach & Paganini – Solo Violin Music

Now you can watch Crescendo’s concerts at home at any time with our virtual concert portal – Crescendo at Home!

We want to keep choral and baroque music experiences alive not only during the pandemic, but also for your pleasure, comfort and for anyone who is not able to attend concerts in person.

Recorded in high quality audio by former Carnegie Hall engineer Leszek Wojcik, and filmed in high definition by Charlette Media Productions, we offer you an experience that is similar to being there in person. It even brings you closer to the performers than you ever would in a live concert.

Watch, and share with your family and friends!  Subscribe to our e-Newsletter for news on upcoming Crescendo at Home programming.


Covid Prevention Policy: Masking recommended for audience members. These policies will be adapted according to community transmission rates.